5 to 7 June 2019, Waterfront Hotel, London


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    We are rethoric question ran over her cheek When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains, she 

    Throw myself down teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the 

    Few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary grow familiar with the countless indescribable forms,

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    How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamic s change? Find out from those leading the charge.

    SCHEDULE DETAILS Information of Event Schedules

    World is committed to making participation in the event a harassment free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression

    0900 – 0915

    Goodwill Messages from Chiefs of the Naval Staff/Heads of Navy and Coast Guard of Participating Countries

    0920 – 1000

    African Regional Maritime Cooperation: Challenges and Future Perspectives

    1005 - 1105

    Interactive Session

    1110 - 1140

    Tea Break

    0900 – 0915

    Goodwill Messages from Chiefs of the Naval Staff/Heads of Navy and Coast Guard of Participating Countries

    0920 - 1000

    Ocean governance and the Blue Economy: The Critical Nexus

    1005 - 1055

    Interactive Session

    1100 - 1130

    Tea Break

    1135 – 1150

    Goodwill Messages from Chiefs of the Naval Staff/Heads of Navy and Coast Guard of Participating Countries

    1155 - 1235

    Integrating MDA in Africa Maritime Security Architecture

    1240 - 1330

    Interactive Session

    1335 - 1435


    1440 – 1455

    Goodwill Messages from Chiefs of the Naval Staff/Heads of Navy and Coast Guard of Participating Countries

    1500 - 1540

    Legal Imperative of Delimiting African waters

    1545 - 1635

    Interactive Session

    1640 - 1655

    Debrief and instructions for Day 3

    0900 - 0915

    Welcome Address

    0920 - 0930

    Keynote Address

    0935 – 0945

    Goodwill messages from Chief of the Naval Staff of Participating Countries

    0950– 1030

    National Hydrographic Capacities as Catalyst for Credible Ocean Governance

    1035 - 1125

    Interactive Session

    1130 – 1200

    Tea Break

    1205 - 1215

    Goodwill Messages from Chiefs of the Naval Staff/Heads of Navy and Coast Guard of Participating Countries

    1220 – 1300

    Tackling Emerging Maritime Security Challenges through Collaborative Regional Framework

    1305 - 1355

    Interactive Session

    1400 - 1420

    Debrief and Instructions for Day 2

    1425 - 1500


    PRICING PLANS Get your Ticket


    EARLY BIRD 219

    How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industrys dynamic

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    REGULAR 399

    How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industrys dynamic

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    PLATINUM 699

    How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industrys dynamic

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    INFO UPDATE Latest News


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    There’s such a thing as “too much information”, especially for


    West Elm Exhibz light

    There’s such a thing as “too much information”, especially for


    New Digital Man beast

    There’s such a thing as “too much information”, especially for

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