
Brig (Ret) L. Naisho

Navies and Coast Guards
Brig. V Loonena Naisho joined the Kenya Navy as an Officer Cadet in March 1983, after his ‘A’ level education. On subsequent completion of the basic Military Course in Kenya, he was enrolled to the Britannia Royal Naval College (BRNC) – UK for Basic Seamanship in the rank of a Midshipman. In November 1984 he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant. In his over 30 years career span, he has attended specialization courses in India, UK, USA and Kenya encompassing Navigation(Long Navigation and Direction-India), Maritime Warfare (School of Maritime Operations-UK), Intelligence, Defence Diplomacy (Cranefield University-UK), Staff Course at operational and strategic levels, Regional Senior Mission Leadership Course in Peace Operations(DSC, IPSTC-Kenya), Executive Decision Making (National Defence University-Monterey USA) and other diverse Naval/Military Courses. He is a graduate of the National Defence College class of 2007. He is a holder of a Diploma in International Studies from the University of Nairobi. He has held several sea appointments onboard Kenya Navy Ships (KNS) culminating with the appointment as Commanding Officer onboard an Offshore Patrol Vessel KNS SHUJAA. He equally commanded the Kenya Navy Maritime Surveillance Unit from 1995 to 1996. He served as Defence Attaché to Kenya in Pretoria-South Africa from 2003-2006. He has had a fair share of staff and training appointments at Defence Hqs, Service Hqs and colleges. He had a stint in Peace Keeping Operation in Former Republic of Yugoslavia and South Sudan. He commanded a Kenya Navy Base from 2014 to 2015. Took over stewardship of the Defence Medical Scheme in 2018. His penultimate appointment was Director General of the then newly launched Kenya Coast Guard Service where he served from 2018 to 2023. Brig. Loonena Naisho retired in 2023. He is a family man, married with two adult children. His interests involve sharing his maritime journey, reading, travelling and jogging/walking.

Wednesday 16th Oct. 2024


Reconciling the roles of African navies and coast guards: Practical, ambitious or a wicked problem