On First Day

0900 – 0915

Goodwill Messages from Chiefs of the Naval Staff/Heads of Navy and Coast Guard of Participating Countries

0920 – 1000

African Regional Maritime Cooperation: Challenges and Future Perspectives

1005 - 1105

Interactive Session

1110 - 1140

Tea Break

On Second Day

0900 – 0915

Goodwill Messages from Chiefs of the Naval Staff/Heads of Navy and Coast Guard of Participating Countries

0920 - 1000

Ocean governance and the Blue Economy: The Critical Nexus

1005 - 1055

Interactive Session

1100 - 1130

Tea Break

On Third Day

0900 - 0915

Welcome Address

0920 - 0930

Keynote Address

0935 – 0945

Goodwill messages from Chief of the Naval Staff of Participating Countries

0950– 1030

National Hydrographic Capacities as Catalyst for Credible Ocean Governance

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